The Myth of Instant Success: Why B2B Startups Thrive on Marketing Strategies, Not Shortcuts!

Debunking the “magic bullet” marketing myth with actionable marketing strategies for startups seeking sustainable growth.

B2B startup founders are constantly bombarded with tales of overnight success, the allure of the magic bullet in marketing is hard to resist. This myth seduces us with promises of rapid growth and effortless wins, the kind we’re all hungry for. But this leads many down a path of endless guesswork. Without clear marketing strategies, founders find themselves chasing shadows, hoping for that one viral campaign that will skyrocket their startup to fame. But here’s the unvarnished truth: sustainable growth isn’t conjured through marketing miracles but forged through strategic rigor and a deep understanding of your market.

Let’s peel back the layers of myth to reveal the core of real success—a systematic, strategy-driven approach that aligns your startup’s unique value with the needs of your target audience.

Dispelling the Magic Bullet Myth, and Pivoting to B2B Early-Stage Startup Marketing Strategies

Founders often fall prey to the allure of supposed quick fixes in marketing—a belief that one grand gesture can lead to instant success. This approach overlooks the complexity and nuance of effective marketing strategies for startups.

Consider these common missteps:

  • Over-reliance on Single Marketing Channels: Startups may pour their hopes into one newsletter or single-channel social media marketing, expecting it to significantly move the needle on engagement or sales. Without a startup marketing strategy to consistently engage and understand the audience, these efforts seldom yield meaningful results.
  • Misguided Paid Advertising Choices: Many startups view paid advertising (such as Google Ads, LinkedIn or Facebook) as a catch-all solution and start with high hopes. However, without a solid marketing strategy, campaigns tend to fail. When this happens, companies will blame the platform (or the ads manager) and hastily pull their investment, never realizing that lack of strategy was the true culprit. We see it all the time, and it leaves a lot of money on the table! 
  • Chasing Trends Without Purpose: Jumping on the latest marketing trend or tool can seem like an easy win. Yet, without aligning these efforts with the startup’s overall business goals and audience needs, they can lead to wasted resources and a diluted brand message.
  • Missing the Forest for the Trees: All your marketing initiatives play a vital role in moving people along the pipeline, and it’s important to understand how they function and what success means. Search Engine Optimization is an example of where people tend to forget this. They’ll focus on particular metrics or a single keyword at the expense of the bigger picture. And this often leads them astray. Stay clear on your priorities using your strategy as your blueprint. 
  • Neglecting the Customer Journey: Assuming a single touchpoint can convert leads into customers ignores the complexity of the customer journey. A strategy that guides potential customers through each stage of discovery, consideration, and decision is crucial for long-term engagement and conversion.

In each of these scenarios, the underlying issue isn’t the tactic, but the absence of a cohesive, strategic approach that ties marketing efforts to the startup’s unique objectives and market. Imagine banking everything on one newsletter or a lone social media blitz, expecting a flood of engagement or sales, only to hear crickets. Diving in without nailing down your messaging or knowing the ins and outs of a channel can leave you high and dry, blaming everything but the lack of a real plan. It’s the strategic, step-by-step engagement that turns curious clicks into loyal customers. The real magic? It’s not in one-off wonders but in weaving a startup marketing strategy that threads through every marketing move you make, building a growth story that’s not just sustainable but also true to your startup’s mission and market.

The Power of Having a Plan: Marketing Strategies Based on Research

Marketing strategies for startups boil down to choices. What are the decisions you make, and how do you make them? Some people use what we call the “throwing spaghetti on the wall” method (ie: guessing and seeing what works). This is about as effective as a fortune cookie, but much more expensive. Though every once in a while a brand will stumble on a jackpot, we recommend against this approach.

B2B startup strategy work is about creating a guide to good decision-making, simply put. Such a plan acts as your north star, illuminating the path through the noisy marketing clutter and aligning your efforts with your audience, and your goals.

Let’s break down the essential elements of a strategic marketing plan and the transformative impact of a well-executed go-to-market (GTM) strategy.

The Cornerstones of a Strategic Marketing Plan:

Market Research:

The foundation of any GTM strategy is robust market research. It’s about peeling back the layers of your market to understand the dynamics at play, the pain points of your potential customers, and the opportunities that lie untapped. This isn’t surface-level knowledge but a deep dive into what makes your market tick, including trends, growth potential, and customer behaviors.

Competitive Analysis:

A detailed analysis of your competitors helps you identify not just their strengths and weaknesses but also the gaps in their approach that your startup can exploit. This insight informs your positioning and messaging, helping you carve out a unique niche in the market.

Crafting Value Propositions:

With a clear understanding of your market and competition (we break these steps down in more detail further down in this article), the next step is to define your value propositions. These are the pillars of your marketing strategy, articulating why customers should choose you over anyone else. A compelling value proposition is rooted in a deep understanding of your ideal customer profile (ICP), tailored to address their specific needs and pain points.

Why a GTM Strategy is Your Blueprint for Success:

A go-to-market strategy is your startup’s blueprint for success. It’s how you translate the insights from your market research and competitive analysis into actionable strategies that resonate with your target audience. This blueprint guides your tactical decisions, ensuring they are not scattered shots in the dark but deliberate moves that drive you closer to your goals.

Your GTM strategy is what allows you to move with confidence in the B2B arena, making informed choices about the channels you activate, the messages you amplify, and the relationships you nurture. It’s the strategic underpinning that ensures your marketing efforts are coherent, targeted, and ultimately, effective.

By anchoring your marketing initiatives in a solid GTM strategy, you empower your startup to navigate the complexities of the B2B landscape with precision and purpose. It’s not about hoping for the best with each marketing tactic but knowing you’re on the right track because every decision is backed by strategic insight. This is how B2B startups move beyond the gamble of guesswork to the certainty of strategic execution.

Building and Implementing Effective Systems (ie: Breaking Bad Marketing Habits)

Transitioning from ad-hoc campaigns to establishing sustainable marketing systems is the key to long-term success. This journey requires a deep dive into the mechanics of strategic marketing, ensuring that every effort contributes to a cohesive narrative. Let’s explore how to build and implement an effective marketing system that serves as the backbone for your startup’s growth.

First, Stop Running ad-hoc campaigns and switch to Startup Strategies.

One-off campaigns bring temporary visibility but lack the consistency and depth needed to build enduring relationships with your audience. Sustainable systems, however, are rooted in a deep understanding of your market and deliver consistent value over time.

A Quick How-To Guide: Build Yourself a GTM System:

Total Addressable Market (TAM): Start by quantifying the full scope of your market. Understanding the TAM helps prioritize efforts and tailor strategies to capture a significant share of the market.

Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs): Define who your product is for. Crafting detailed ICPs ensures your marketing efforts are targeted at the segments of the market most likely to convert. Remember, you’re not speaking to everyone, just your target audience. 

Personas: Go a step further by humanizing your ICPs into personas. This makes it easier to create content and messages that resonate on a personal level.

Competitors: Analyze your competition to understand the landscape. This insight helps in positioning your product distinctly in the market.

Features and Benefits Analysis: Map out the features of your product and the benefits they bring to your customers. This clarity is crucial for effective messaging.

Write Your Value Propositions: Based on your features and benefits analysis, craft compelling value propositions that highlight your unique value. This ensures your content marketing is based on solid research.

Content Strategy (Whole Funnel): Develop a content strategy that addresses each stage of the buyer’s journey, from awareness to decision. This ensures you engage your audience at every touchpoint.

Choose Tactics and Channels: Select the marketing tactics and channels best suited to reach your personas. Diversify your approach to cover all bases from digital to traditional.

Deploy Content: Execute your content strategy across channels in a mix of formats from blog posts to videos. Do this alongside lead magnets to attract and nurture leads.

Optimize Landing Pages: Ensure your landing pages are finely tuned to convert visitors, focusing on clear messaging and compelling CTAs.

Evaluate, Test, and Tweak: Regularly assess the performance of your marketing efforts. Use data to make informed adjustments, working with experts who can interpret analytics for strategic refinement.

Generate Leads – And Learn: As leads come in, analyze which strategies were most effective. This continuous learning loop allows you to refine and improve your approach.

By meticulously building and implementing this marketing system, B2B startups can ensure that every marketing dollar spent is an investment in their long-term growth.

Patience, Persistence, and Evaluation: How to Know For Sure if Your Strategy Works

First of all. Give it time. We recommend a minimum of three months to evaluate any initiative that’s been researched. Some systems, like paid ads, take weeks to calibrate and integrate machine learning. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had to reassure folks that results will come, we just need to be patient and wait — and most importantly — have faith in our strategy! 

Here’s why patience and persistence aren’t just virtues; they’re necessities:

  • Patience Fuels Growth: Immediate results are rare. Real growth is gradual and often imperceptible in the short term. It’s the cumulative effect of consistent effort over time that propels startups forward. Remember, even small gains are steps in the right direction.
  • Persistence Pays Off: Abandoning strategies too soon is a common pitfall. If your plan is sound and backed by research, give it the time it needs to bear fruit. Shifting gears too frequently can lead to missed opportunities and wasted resources.

How to Evaluate and Adjust (According to Your Strategy and Results) Properly:

  1. Set Clear Metrics for Success: Define what success looks like in quantifiable terms. Whether it’s lead generation, website traffic, or conversion rates, having clear metrics allows you to measure your progress accurately.
  2. Regular Review Cycles: Establish a schedule for reviewing these metrics. Monthly or quarterly reviews can provide insights into what’s working and what isn’t, allowing you to pivot as necessary.
  3. Involve Experts: Sometimes, it takes a seasoned eye to decipher data trends. Don’t shy away from consulting with marketing experts who can offer fresh perspectives on your strategy’s performance. An expert in marketing is someone with a proven track record and years of experience. Choose wisely, and once you choose, trust them. 
  4. Adapt Strategically: Use your evaluations as opportunities to refine and adjust your approach. However, make sure that changes are in line with your goals and based on solid data, not gut feelings. (Pro Tip: Work can be a high pressure environment! If you’re getting push-back from your boss or your board, remind them that your actions are based on well-researched strategy! If they have suggestions — you can always A/B test!) 
  5. Learn From Every Lead: Each interaction with a potential customer is a learning opportunity. Gather feedback and use it to enhance your strategy, messaging, and customer journey.

Embracing a mindset of patience and persistence, coupled with a commitment to regular evaluation, positions B2B startups to navigate the complexities of the market with confidence. Strategic marketing isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon, with every step informed by insight and aimed at long-term success.

Case Studies: Real-World Success Stories from StepUp

With dozens and dozens of companies under our belt, StepUp’s strategists can talk about strategy for hours (and we will, just book a call!). Here’s one shining example of strategic triumph: Elsight, a connectivity solutions innovator that, with StepUp’s guidance, transformed its digital presence and skyrocketed its marketing performance.

Elsight’s Strategic Overhaul

Starting with a minimal digital footprint and a need for tangible results, Elsight faced the quintessential startup challenge: making an impact with limited resources. StepUp stepped in, and we focused on fundamental aspects such as identifying their TAM, crafting their ICPs, and developing personas. This was the groundwork for a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that aligned with Elsight’s marketing goals and made for scalability.

Leveraging HubSpot for Growth

By integrating HubSpot tools, StepUp optimized Elsight’s marketing processes, enabling a seamless, automated approach to campaign management and lead conversion. This strategic move not only enhanced operational efficiency but also provided Elsight with valuable insights into their marketing performance.

The Results

The impact of this strategic partnership was profound:

  • A 470% increase in Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs), demonstrating the effectiveness of the targeted content strategy and distribution.
  • A 26% boost in organic traffic, underscoring the improved digital visibility and brand recognition.
  • Success led to a fivefold increase in Elsight’s digital marketing budget, affirming confidence in the revamped strategy and its contribution to the company’s growth.

From Strategy to Success

Elsight’s journey underscores the critical role of strategic planning and the implementation of effective systems in achieving growth. By using a data-driven approach and aligning marketing with business goals, Elsight met its goals and set the stage for growth.

The Roadmap to Real Growth

The path to sustainable growth is paved with more than good intentions; it requires a keen understanding of the market, a solid strategic plan, and an unwavering commitment to execution. It’s about recognizing that there are no magic bullets—only the cumulative impact of well-thought-out strategies and persistent effort. In the stories of startups like Elsight, we see that real success is a product of strategic foresight, the right tools, and the resilience to stay the course.

For founders navigating the early stages of their startup’s journey, remember, that your vision for growth is valid and achievable. It’s not about shortcuts, it’s about the long-term strategies that align with both your unique value proposition and target market. It’s about building a marketing machine that not only reaches but engages and converts, driving your startup to new heights.

Wondering How a Go-To-Market Strategy Could Build Your Pipeline? 

Step beyond the conventional, challenge the status quo of hit-or-miss marketing with a strategic, systematic approach that scales and grows. At StepUp, we’re not just consultants; we’re your strategic partners in crafting tailor-made go-to-market strategies that propel your startup forward.

Whether you’re looking to refine your marketing strategy, understand your market better, or simply kickstart your journey toward sustainable growth, we’re here to guide you. Reach out to us, and let’s begin crafting your success story—one strategic step at a time.

Talk to StepUp today! 

The Best Marketing Resources for You to Kick Off 2024 Right!

StepUp’s annual roundup of the best marketing strategies, tactics, books, podcasts, tools and more — to get you on the track to mastering marketing in 2024.

2023 was a wild year! We witnessed massive global shifts in politics, economics, and social change. Business and technology went along for the ride too, and we’re now raising a glass to the year that saw the rise (and almost fall) of OpenAI, as well as massive shifts in significant industries.

For the good times and the… well, harder times… we’re all taking a moment to raise a glass and bid adieu to 2023. And at StepUp — we take a moment to reflect on our successes and failures, our lessons learned — and our favorite new things.

So, as a holiday gift, we’ve created this “Best Marketing” list. It’s a list of the standout marketing books, podcasts, strategies, and more that we think you should take into 2024. Every item on this list was recommended by a StepUp team member — so you can trust that they’re tried and true!

Enjoy the list and cheers to the new year!

Best Marketing Strategies

Integrating AI in Marketing

What it is: Leveraging artificial intelligence tools to enhance customer engagement and optimize marketing processes.
Why it matters: AI offers unmatched efficiency in personalizing customer experiences and analyzing big data for better decision-making.
How to implement: Start by adopting AI-driven analytics tools for customer segmentation and targeting in your marketing campaigns.

Starting with the Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU)

What it is: Focusing on leads at the decision stage of their journey rather than the top of the funnel.
Why it matters: This approach efficiently converts ready-to-buy leads, maximizing ROI on marketing efforts.
How to implement: Create targeted content and offers for leads showing clear purchase intent, enhancing their decision-making process.


What It Is: Advanced personalization using AI and analytics to tailor content and solutions to each client’s specific needs.
Why It Matters: As the market gets more competitive, personalized marketing will be key to standing out and engaging business clients effectively.
How to Implement: Personalization tactics are usually available within marketing tools such as HubSpot.

Each of these strategies is all about making your marketing smarter, more focused, and more in tune with what your B2B target audience needs and wants. It’s about honing in on communicating effectively with your audience — focus on that and implement these tactics for success!

Best Marketing Tactics (for Early-Stage B2Bs)

2024 is poised to be a year of innovation and efficiency in B2B marketing. For early-stage B2B companies, leveraging the right tactics is crucial for growth and market penetration. Here are some top strategies to consider:

Data-Driven Marketing

What It Is: Using customer data to guide marketing decisions and strategies.
Why It Matters: Data-driven marketing allows for more targeted, relevant, and effective marketing efforts.
How to Implement: Begin by collecting first-party data through your digital channels. Analyze this data to understand customer behaviors and preferences, and utilize marketing automation tools for personalized communication. Implement ABM strategies to focus on high-value accounts and use intent data to target potential customers showing interest in your offerings.

Direct Message Outreach Marketing

What It Is: Using direct messaging platforms, such as LinkedIn, to personally reach out to potential customers or partners.
Why It Matters: This approach allows for personalized, one-on-one interactions that can build stronger business relationships.
How to Implement: Identify potential leads or partners on professional platforms and craft personalized messages that speak to their specific needs or interests. It’s important to be genuine and offer real value in these communications, avoiding a sales-heavy approach.

Up-to-Date SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Tactics:

What It Is: Implementing the latest SEO strategies to improve your website’s visibility and ranking on search engines.
Why It Matters: With constant updates to search engine algorithms, staying current with SEO practices is essential to ensure your content reaches its intended audience.
How to Implement: Focus on creating high-quality, relevant content that addresses your audience’s needs. Keep abreast of the latest SEO trends, like voice search optimization and mobile-first indexing. Use tools to analyze your website’s performance and continually optimize your content and site structure for better search engine ranking.

These tactics, when effectively implemented, can help early-stage B2B companies make significant inroads in their respective target markets. By focusing on data-driven strategies, personalized outreach, and staying current with SEO practices, your business can build a strong foundation for growth and success in 2024.

Best Marketing Tech (with or without AI)


HubSpot is a vital tool for early-stage B2B companies, featuring a robust CRM system and integrated marketing tools. It facilitates seamless collaboration between sales and marketing teams and provides detailed analytics for the entire sales funnel. Additionally, its extensive knowledge base offers substantial learning and support resources.

  • Centralized CRM: Manages customer interactions in one location.
  • Marketing Integration: Unified tools for streamlined viewing and management of marketing campaigns.
  • Sales Alignment: Enhances teamwork between sales and marketing.
  • Funnel Analytics: Visibility across the entire sales funnel.
  • Knowledge Base: Comprehensive resources for learning and support.

For more details, visit HubSpot.


SEMRush is an indispensable asset for early-stage B2B companies, offering comprehensive digital marketing solutions. It’s particularly effective for SEO, content marketing, and competitive research, providing vital tools for keyword research and site audits. The platform’s depth in competitive analysis and detailed analytics equips businesses with actionable insights to enhance their online marketing strategies.

  • SEO and Content Tools: Offers comprehensive resources for keyword research and content optimization.
  • Competitive Analysis: Provides in-depth insights into market competition.
  • Comprehensive Analytics: Detailed data for informed marketing decisions.
  • Site Audits: Tools for optimizing website performance.
  • Market Research: Invaluable insights into industry trends and customer behavior.

For more details, visit SEMRush.


Canva is a key resource for early-stage B2B companies, providing an intuitive platform for creating professional-grade marketing materials. It’s ideal for designing everything from graphics for your social media channels to presentations, offering a vast library of templates and design elements. Canva simplifies graphic design, making it accessible to all skill levels and enhancing the visual appeal of marketing campaigns.

  • Intuitive Design Platform: User-friendly interface for easy graphic creation.
  • Vast Template Library: Wide range of templates for various design needs.
  • Graphic Resources: Extensive collection of images and design elements.
  • Cross-Functional Use: Suitable for a variety of marketing materials.
  • Accessibility: Enables professional designs without specialized skills.

For more details, visit Canva.

Best Marketing AI Tools

Team GPT

Team GPT is an innovative platform designed to enhance team collaboration using ChatGPT technology. It is a game-changer for businesses, enabling efficient organization and sharing of AI-generated insights.

  • AI-Powered Collaboration: Facilitates team interaction and idea generation using AI.
  • Organizational Tools: Streamlines chat management with folders and templates.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Simplifies sharing AI-generated insights among team members.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Boosts team efficiency with AI assistance.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy-to-use platform for all team sizes.

For more information, visit Team GPT.


Frase is an advanced AI content tool designed for SEO optimization and efficient content creation. It’s a valuable asset for enhancing the quality and searchability of digital content.

  • SEO Optimization: Automated tools for optimizing content for search engines.
  • AI Writing Assistant: Streamlines content creation with AI-driven suggestions.
  • Content Research: In-depth SERP analysis for content planning.
  • Outline Generation: Simplifies structuring content for better engagement.
  • User-Friendly Editor: Intuitive interface for easy content creation and editing.

For more details, visit Frase.


Grammarly leverages advanced AI to enhance writing quality across various platforms. It’s particularly beneficial for those needing assistance with grammar and style. Its AI features include:

  • Advanced Grammar and Style Checks: AI algorithms provide real-time, context-specific writing suggestions.
  • Customizable Feedback: Tailors suggestions based on writing goals and style preferences.
  • Contextual Language Understanding: The AI understands nuances in language, offering precise corrections and improvements.

Grammarly’s AI capabilities make it a powerful tool for anyone looking to refine their written communication.

For more details, visit Grammarly.

Best Marketing Blogs

Exit Five

Exit Five, founded by marketing expert Dave Gerhardt, is a blog that caters to B2B marketing professionals. It stands out for its:

  • Community-driven insights from a network of marketing professionals.
  • Actionable advice tailored for practical application.
  • Diverse perspectives shared by various industry experts.

This blog is a valuable resource for B2B marketers looking to deepen their knowledge and stay current with industry trends.

For further details, visit Exit Five.

The HubSpot Blog

The HubSpot Blog, renowned for its expertise in inbound marketing, is crafted by the HubSpot team, leaders in marketing software. It’s a go-to resource for:

  • Comprehensive insights into B2B marketing strategies.
  • Expert advice on CRM integration and lead nurturing.
  • In-depth knowledge on attracting leads through content creation.

This blog is ideal for marketers seeking to expand their skills and keep up with the latest in marketing trends.

For more insights, visit the HubSpot Blog.


MarketingProfs is a comprehensive resource for B2B marketers, offering hundreds of blog posts and a wealth of information and expert advice. It’s tailored for marketing professionals at all levels who seek strategic insights and practical guidance. The blog is known for:

  • Delivering in-depth coverage of various B2B marketing strategies and tactics.
  • Providing both free and premium content, including articles, guides, and case studies.
  • Covering a wide range of topics, from content marketing to digital marketing strategies.

For more information and insights, visit MarketingProfs.

Best Marketing Books

 The 1-Page Marketing Plan

“The 1-Page Marketing Plan” by Allan Dib is a concise guide that simplifies the marketing planning process into a single page, making it accessible for businesses of all sizes. It focuses on creating a clear and actionable marketing plan that helps businesses attract more customers and generate more revenue. This book is highly recommended for its practical approach and easy-to-follow format, making it a valuable resource for entrepreneurs and marketers seeking to improve their marketing strategies.

Find more details on Amazon.

They Ask, You Answer

“They Ask, You Answer” by Marcus Sheridan is a revolutionary guide to content marketing. It advocates for a customer-centric approach, advising businesses to address the real questions and concerns of their customers through their content. This book is essential for marketers and business owners looking to build trust and authority with their target audience through transparency and helpfulness.

Discover more on Amazon.

“He reflects, in the best way, what marketing is. Simply put, it’s a conversation between a buyer and a seller. They ask, we answer. It’s a complex field made very simple. Just answer every question your potential buyer has, and you have great marketing!” — Moshe Pesach, CEO StepUp

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

“The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing” by Al Ries and Jack Trout offers a timeless perspective on essential marketing principles. It lays out clear, fundamental rules for successful marketing strategies, emphasizing the importance of understanding market dynamics and consumer perception. Recommended for its insightful, straightforward approach, this book is a must-read for marketers aiming to build a solid foundation in the fundamentals of marketing strategy.

More details are available on Amazon.

P.S. Our team’s favorite law is the Law of Duality. Tell us which is yours!

Best Marketing Podcasts

Marketing School

“Marketing School” is a podcast hosted by digital marketing experts Neil Patel and Eric Siu. It provides daily, bite-sized episodes packed with actionable marketing tips, strategies, and insights. This podcast is ideal for marketers and business owners looking to stay updated on the latest trends and tactics in digital marketing. The podcast is known for its straightforward, practical advice that listeners can quickly implement in their marketing efforts.

For more information and episodes, visit Marketing School.

Exit Five Podcast

The Exit Five Podcast, associated with the Exit Five community for B2B marketers, features in-depth discussions and interviews with marketing leaders and experts. It’s a valuable resource for marketers seeking insights into the latest trends, strategies, and real-world experiences in the B2B marketing sphere. The podcast covers a wide range of topics, offering listeners practical advice and innovative ideas to enhance their marketing strategies.

For more episodes and information, visit the Exit Five Podcast.

Duct Tape Marketing Podcast

The Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, hosted by John Jantsch, is a valuable resource for small business owners and marketers. It offers interviews and insights from industry experts, covering a variety of topics essential for effective small business marketing. This podcast is known for its practical advice, focusing on strategies and tactics that businesses can apply to improve their marketing efforts and grow their ideal customer base.

For more details and episodes, visit the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast.

Wrapping up our exploration into the latest in B2B marketing, we’ve gained a wealth of knowledge that’s both exciting and invaluable. As we step into the new year, we’re equipped with fresh insights and energized to continue our learning journey. We’re looking forward to sharing more practical resources and strategies, helping us all to grow and excel in the ever-evolving landscape of marketing. Here’s to embracing new opportunities for learning and growth in the upcoming year!


The Best AI Marketing Tools for Early-Stage B2Bs in 2024

Are using AI in your day-to-day B2B marketing?

If no, you’re not alone. Less than 20% of marketers say they do. But, in today’s B2B landscape, using the right AI marketing tools is not just a luxury, it’s a necessity.

But what to use? For early-stage companies, where every decision can have a significant impact, it’s essential to invest in tools that deliver real value. With an overwhelming number of options in the market, the real challenge lies in identifying the tools that are not only innovative but also practical and effective for your specific needs.

Here are our list of top AI marketing tools that we think you should invest in for 2024.

The StepUp Approach to AI in Marketing

At StepUp we focus on AI solutions that show clear potential for boosting efficiency and driving growth, particularly for early-stage companies. Our recommendations are guided by a commitment to suggest only those tools that demonstrate real promise, helping our clients make well-informed investments in their marketing technology.

We go for AI tools that stand out in specific marketing areas, not the all-in-one types. Here’s what we look for:

  1. Strong in One Thing: Each tool must be a star, tackling a particular marketing challenge better than the rest.
  2. Easy to Use: It’s got to be user-friendly. We choose tools that anyone on our team can quickly get the hang of and start using right away.
  3. Grows with You: The best tools can handle our growing needs, scaling up as our business and marketing efforts expand.
  4. Smart with Data: We look for tools that not only gather data but also make sense of it, giving us insights we can use to make better marketing decisions.
  5. Plays Well with Others: A great tool fits smoothly into our existing marketing tech stack, linking up easily with other systems we use.

We find these five criteria to be crucial for whether the AI catches on in your business or not, and beyond that, that it’s worth the money.

Now — here’s the list!

The Best AI Tools for Content Writing

AI tools for content creation are essential for crafting compelling, efficient, and SEO-optimized content. There are hundreds of tools out there, but it’s our experience that only a few of them deliver consistently.

ChatGPT 4 (Best All-Around Content Generator)

ChatGPT 4 brings significant improvements for content creators with its enhanced creativity, understanding, and interaction capabilities.

Key Features:

  • Creative and Technical Writing: Machine learning sees that GPT will learn your voice and tone, the results are astounding​​.
  • Visual Input and Web Search: Can interact with images for a more dynamic content creation experience, and can scan websites to learn what you need.
  • Extended Context Handling: Manages long-form content effectively, maintaining coherence over extended text​.
  • Increased Interactivity: Offers dynamic conversation capabilities, essential for engaging and context-aware content​.
  • Steerability: Adapts its responses based on user-directed style and task, allowing customized interactions​.

Use It For:

  1. Social Media and Editing
  2. Idea Expansion
  3. Summarizing and Tone Adjustment
  4. Basic Research Support:

Beware: It’s not always correct, you still need to be a content expert.


Jasper AI (Best for Content Versatility)

Jasper AI, utilizing the GPT-3.5 model, is an advanced AI tool designed for efficient, high-quality content generation. It’s known for its context understanding and versatile content creation across various formats​​​​.

Key Features

  • Tone Customization: Adapts to various writing styles and tones.
  • SEO Optimization: Enhances content for better search engine ranking.
  • Language Support: Offers multi-language capabilities.
  • Content Templates: Provides templates for various writing needs​​.

Use It For:

  1. Drafting SEO optimized blog posts and articles.
  2. Creating marketing and email copy.
  3. Generating social media content.

Pros: Quick content generation, diverse templates, style adaptability.

Cons: Requires plagiarism checks, potentially costly for larger teams, limited to pre-2021 knowledge​​​​.

Jasper AI vs ChatGPT 4

Jasper AI (3.5 dependant) focuses more on specific content generation like SEO and marketing, while ChatGPT 4 offers broader capabilities in creative writing and extended interactions​​.

Frase (Best for SEO Optimized Content)

Frase is an AI-powered content optimization platform that enhances website SEO and user experience. It provides real-time content suggestions, making it essential for content creators and website managers​​.

Key Features

  1. AI-Powered SEO Suggestions: Frase analyzes user intent and offers real-time content improvements​​.
  2. Live SEO Guidance: It suggests SEO optimizations as you create content​​.
  3. Content Briefs: Generates topic relevance, keyword suggestions, and competitor analysis for content planning​​.
  4. CMS Integration: Seamlessly works with popular CMS like WordPress and HubSpot​​.
  5. Data-Driven Insights: Offers analytics for content and keyword performance tracking​​.


  • AI-driven content optimization.
  • Real-time SEO guidance.
  • Content briefs for planning.
  • Data-driven insights​​.


  • Pricing may not fit all budgets.
  • Learning curve for full utilization​​.

The Best AI Tools for Editing

In the fast-evolving world of digital marketing, AI tools for image creation and editing are game-changers, offering unparalleled efficiency and creativity. Here are our recommendations.

Grammarly (Best for Content Editing)

Grammarly is a versatile app and browser extension that offers real-time checks for grammar, spelling, and plagiarism across various platforms. It helps users produce cleaner and more professional content​​.

Key Features

  1. Grammar and Spelling Checks: Highly accurate grammar and spelling correction​​.
  2. Real-time Corrections: Provides instant feedback on errors​​.
  3. Explanation of Errors: Offers explanations for suggestions​​.
  4. Customization Options: Users can customize the tool and add new words​​.
  5. Plagiarism Checker: Ensures content originality (Premium feature)​​.
  6. Genre-specific Writing Style Checks: Tailors suggestions to specific writing genres (Premium feature)​​.


  • Exceptional at detecting and correcting errors in real-time.
  • Highly customizable, even in the free version.


  • Limited features in the free version.
  • Compatibility issues on some platforms.

Hemingway (Best for Writing Improvement)

Hemingway Editor is a user-friendly writing tool that helps users improve the clarity and readability of their content. It highlights complex sentences, passive voice, and suggests simpler alternatives, making it an excellent choice for writers looking to create clear and concise text​​.

Key Features

  1. Readability Analysis: Hemingway Editor assesses your text’s readability, making it easier for readers to understand and engage with your content​​.
  2. Highlighting Complex Sentences: It identifies and highlights complex sentences, enabling you to simplify your writing​​.
  3. Passive Voice Detection: Hemingway Editor detects passive voice instances and recommends active voice alternatives for more impactful writing​​.
  4. Formatting Assistance: It provides formatting suggestions, such as using bullet points and headings, to improve content structure​​.
  5. Integration with Word Processors: Hemingway Editor can be used as a web app or integrated into popular word processors like Microsoft Word and Google Docs for seamless editing​​.


  • Simplifies complex writing.
  • Enhances readability.
  • Identifies passive voice.
  • Formatting assistance.
  • Integration with word processors​​.


  • Limited in-depth grammar checking.
  • Requires some manual editing.

Wordtune (Best for Eliminating AI-Sounding Content)

Wordtune is an AI-powered writing enhancement tool that offers real-time suggestions to improve the quality and impact of your writing. It helps users rephrase sentences, choose more engaging words, and fine-tune their content for better communication​.

Key Features

  1. Sentence Rewriting: Wordtune suggests alternative sentence structures to enhance clarity and impact​​.
  2. Word Choice: It recommends more engaging and appropriate words.
  3. Style: Wordtune offers style suggestions, allowing you to tailor your content to a specific audience​​.
  4. Real-time Feedback: It provides instant feedback as you write.
  5. Integration with Browsers and Editors: Wordtune seamlessly integrates across various platforms​​.


  • AI-powered writing enhancement.
  • Sentence rewriting for clarity.
  • Improved word choices.
  • Real-time feedback​​.


  • Limited free features.
  • Learning curve for advanced usage.

The Best AI Tools for Image Creation and Editing

AI tools for image creation and editing are game-changers. Here are our recommendations.

DALL-E by OpenAI (Best for from-scratch image creation)

In the realm of digital marketing, AI tools for image creation and editing are becoming indispensable. DALL-E by OpenAI is one such tool that’s making a significant impact with its advanced capabilities.

Innovative Image Creation: DALL-E transforms textual descriptions into images.

Versatile Range: It excels in creating a variety of image styles, from realistic portrayals to artistic renderings.

Customization Options: DALL-E allows for considerable customization, enabling users to guide the creative process to meet specific needs.

What Stands Out: DALL-E is impressive for its ability to generate unique images quickly and effectively, a valuable asset for marketing and social media content.

Room for Improvement: While DALL-E is versatile, it sometimes requires fine-tuning to get highly specific results.

Ideal For: Marketers, content creators, and anyone seeking to create visually engaging content without needing extensive graphic design skills will find DALL-E particularly useful.

Adobe Photoshop (Best for Image Editing)

Adobe Photoshop’s evolution includes a significant leap into AI, especially with the introduction of Adobe Firefly, a generative AI technology enhancing its core capabilities.

Advanced AI Integration: Firefly powers features like Generative Fill and Expand, allowing users to make creative changes using simple text prompts. This includes adding elements to an image or creatively expanding its borders with contextually relevant content. The AI models are trained on a diverse set of images, including Adobe Stock and public domain content, ensuring quality and versatility in the generated results​​​​.

Efficiency in Editing: With AI tools such as Content-Aware Fill and Object Selection, Photoshop streamlines the editing process. These tools are designed for ease of use and precision, simplifying tasks that traditionally required more manual effort.

The Firefly Edge: Adobe Firefly is known for its quality and control in creative workflows. The latest updates include the Firefly Image 2 Model, enhancing creator control and image quality for more photorealistic, artistic, or surreal outcomes​​.

Balanced Perspective: While Photoshop’s AI features are innovative, there may be a learning curve for new users or those unfamiliar with AI tools. The opportunity for even more nuanced control and customization would be a welcome enhancement.

Pricing Model: Photoshop is available as part of the Adobe Creative Cloud subscriptions, offering various plans to suit different user needs and budgets.

Ideal for Diverse Needs: These AI features make Photoshop a top choice not just for professional graphic designers but also for marketers and creatives seeking advanced image editing and creation tools.

The Best AI Tools for Social Media

There are probably hundreds of social tools — but these are the standouts — integrating machine learning with content optimization and social listening, they’re the best of the best. Here are our recommendations for the best social media AI.

Taplio (Best for Integrating Machine Learning to Optimize Posting)

Taplio is a specialized tool designed to optimize LinkedIn posts, making it an ideal choice for professionals and businesses looking to maximize their impact on the platform. It offers features tailored to enhance engagement and visibility on LinkedIn​​.

Key Features

  1. LinkedIn Post Analysis: Taplio helps optimize LinkedIn to reach a wider audience and get more engagement​​.
  2. Content Scheduling: Schedule posts at optimal times for your target audience, ensuring maximum visibility​​.
  3. Hashtag Recommendations: Taplio suggests relevant hashtags to improve post discoverability​​.
  4. Performance Tracking: You can track the performance of your posts over time, gaining valuable insights into what works best on LinkedIn​​.


  • Specialized for LinkedIn post optimization.
  • Provides insights and recommendations.
  • Easy-to-use content scheduling.
  • Performance tracking for continuous improvement​​.


  • Limited to LinkedIn post optimization.
  • May not cover other social media platforms.

Canva (Best for Great Graphic Design)

Canva is a versatile design tool known for its user-friendly interface and extensive library of templates. It’s an excellent choice for creating stunning social media graphics that captivate audiences across various platforms​.

Key Features

  1. Template Library: Canva offers a vast collection of templates specifically designed for social media, simplifying the graphic creation process​​.
  2. Drag-and-Drop Editing: Its intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to customize templates or create designs from scratch​​.
  3. Stock Media: Canva provides access to a library of stock photos, illustrations, and videos to enhance your social media graphics​​.
  4. Collaboration Tools: You can collaborate with team members, making it ideal for businesses with multiple contributors​​.
  5. Publishing Integration: Canva integrates with various social media platforms, allowing you to publish directly from the tool​​.


  • User-friendly design tool.
  • Extensive template library.
  • Drag-and-drop editing for customization.
  • Access to stock media.
  • Integration with social media platforms​.


  • Free version limitations.
  • May not cover advanced graphic design needs​.

The Best AI Tools for Email Marketing

In the fast-evolving world of digital marketing, AI tools for image creation and editing are game-changers, offering unparalleled efficiency and creativity. Here are our recommendations.

TheSeventhSense (Best for Email Optimization)

TheSeventhSense is a powerful email marketing tool that leverages AI to optimize email campaigns for maximum engagement and deliverability. It’s an excellent choice for businesses seeking to enhance their email marketing strategies and drive better results​.

Key Features

  1. Send Time Optimization: TheSeventhSense analyzes recipient behavior to determine the best times to send emails, ensuring they are more likely to be opened and read​​.
  2. Personalization Recommendations: It offers personalized content and subject line recommendations to increase email relevance and effectiveness​​.
  3. A/B Testing: The tool facilitates A/B testing to help users refine their email campaigns based on data-driven insights​​.
  4. Analytics and Reporting: TheSeventhSense provides comprehensive analytics and reporting, allowing users to track email performance and make informed decisions​​.


  • AI-driven send time optimization.
  • Personalization recommendations.
  • A/B testing for campaign refinement.
  • Enhanced email engagement and deliverability​​.


  • Pricing based on email volume.
  • Focuses on email optimization rather than full-scale email marketing suite​​.

HubSpot (Best for Complete Funnel Visualization and AI-Powered Learning)

HubSpot is a comprehensive marketing automation platform that includes AI-powered email marketing features. It caters to businesses looking for an all-in-one solution for email marketing, lead generation, and customer relationship management​.

Key Features

  1. Personalization: HubSpot uses AI to personalize email content, subject lines, and send times to maximize engagement and conversion rates​​.
  2. Lead Scoring: It employs AI algorithms to score leads based on behavior, helping businesses prioritize and nurture prospects more effectively​​.
  3. Automation Workflows: HubSpot’s workflow automation allows users to create complex email nurturing sequences with AI-driven triggers and actions​​.
  4. A/B Testing: The platform offers A/B testing capabilities to optimize email campaigns for better performance​​.
  5. Analytics and Reporting: HubSpot provides detailed analytics and reporting to track the success of email marketing efforts​​.


  • Comprehensive marketing automation platform.
  • AI-driven personalization and content generation.
  • Robust analytics and reporting​.


  • Pricing can be on the higher side for smaller businesses.
  • Learning curve for mastering the platform

Trust and Pricing

HubSpot is a trusted name in marketing automation. Pricing varies based on the level of features and scale required, making it suitable for businesses of different sizes​​.

AI Tools to Watch in 2024

Here are three we didn’t recommend but we’re keeping our eyes on.

ByWord: Streamlined Content Creation

ByWord is a content creation tool that focuses on simplicity and efficiency. It streamlines the writing process, allowing users to focus on their content without distractions. Its minimalist interface and distraction-free environment make it an attractive option for writers looking to boost productivity and concentration.

Warmly: AI-Powered Email Personalization

Warmly is an AI-powered email personalization tool that helps businesses create highly personalized email campaigns. It leverages AI to analyze recipient data and generate personalized email content and subject lines. With Warmly, businesses can enhance their email marketing efforts by delivering tailored messages that resonate with their audience.

WritePanda.Ai: AI-Generated Content

WritePanda.Ai is an AI-powered content generation tool that simplifies content creation. It uses AI algorithms to generate written content, making it a valuable tool for writers looking to speed up their content creation process. With WritePanda.Ai, users can quickly generate written content on various topics, saving time and effort in the writing process.

In a world inundated with AI tool recommendations, it’s crucial to distinguish the truly beneficial tools from the hype. Here are the AI tools that we’ve found to be genuinely helpful for enhancing marketing strategies in early-stage B2B companies.

Give these a try (most of them have free versions or features) and when you’re ready, consider integrating them, or, hiring StepUp as your marketing team! 


Are You Failing All Your Goals? Learn How to Set Meaningful B2B Marketing KPIs in 2024

Let’s get straight to the point: KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are the compass for your B2B startup’s journey. Forget the overblown targets and the blame games. That’s old school and gets you nowhere. Here, we’re all about setting KPIs that actually make sense—goals that bring your team together, driving forward in sync, not pulling apart.

Marketing KPIs are about knowing exactly what success looks like and how you’re going to get there. They’re about aligning your sales team with your marketing efforts and turning expectations into a shared mission. It’s not just about hitting numbers; it’s about creating a game plan where everyone knows their role and how to win.

So, let’s cut through the noise and focus on what works. Whether you’re a founder or a B2B marketer, we invite you to join us — and to roll up your sleeves and set some real, actionable KPIs.

Ready? Let’s go.

Debunking Myths Around KPIs in Management

Let’s bust some myths. KPIs in management aren’t about setting unattainable benchmarks or padding stats. At StepUp, we know the power of realistic targets that inspire your team, not intimidate them. KPIs shouldn’t be a source of stress; they should be the milestones that guide your strategy and celebrate your progress.

KPIs are the unity glue. When marketing teams, sales, product development, and customer service all rally around the same goals, you don’t just have a team; you have a powerhouse.

What Defines a Meaningful Marketing KPI

B2B Marketing KPIs are not just numbers on a board—they’re signposts on the road to success. A meaningful marketing KPI is one that aligns perfectly with your business objectives, one that you can act on. It should be specific enough to guide your B2B marketing campaigns, measurable enough to track progress, achievable with effort, relevant to your mission, and timely, giving you a clear deadline for your goals.

The Misconceptions of KPI Measurement

Enough with the old-school belief that a deluge of leads equals victory. We reject the idea that lead generation is the be-all and end-all of marketing success. Leads are potential, not profit. And let’s clear the air about another thing: short-term success metrics are like junk food—gratifying at the moment, but not sustainable. At StepUp, we’re not about the quick fix; we’re about building a foundation for continual growth.

The Pillar of Effective KPI Development: Sales and Marketing Alignment

Imagine marketing and sales as a dynamic duo, working in perfect concert. Marketing attracts and nurtures prospects, while sales closes the deal. Both need to march to the beat of the same drum. That’s why our B2B Marketing KPIs are designed to create a seamless journey from the first touchpoint to the final handshake. Every marketing effort is gauged on how well it fills the sales pipeline with qualified leads that are ready to convert.

Advocating for Market-Informed Goal Setting

We live in a data-rich world, and there’s no excuse for shots in the dark. Market-informed KPIs are born out of deep dives into industry trends, competitive landscapes, and real customer insights. We leverage analytics to understand what the market is telling us, setting KPIs that reflect what’s achievable and what’s needed to gain a competitive edge. It’s about being smart with the data at hand to carve out a niche in the marketplace and fill it better than anyone else.

Crafting Marketing KPIs from the Ground Up

When building out your marketing KPIs, think of it as constructing a house. The foundation must be solid, and every element, from the floorboards to the rafters, must align to keep the structure sound.

Aligning Visions: Setting the Foundation

First, you need everyone on the same blueprint. This means establishing a common understanding of what you’re trying to achieve with your marketing. At StepUp, we facilitate workshops and strategy sessions to ensure that every department from marketing to sales, product to customer service, understands the collective objectives. It’s about making sure that everyone’s efforts are geared towards the same end-goal.

The Significance of Cross-Departmental Collaboration

The strength of a house is also in its unity; the same goes for business strategies. Cross-departmental collaboration isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s a must-have. When marketing KPIs are developed in collaboration with sales, product, and other teams, they’re more likely to be relevant, realistic, and embraced by the entire organization. It’s this collaboration that ensures each KPI is a step towards not just marketing success, but business success.

Reverse Engineering Success: Learning from the Past

We’re staunch advocates of learning from what the data tells us. It’s not just about setting targets but understanding how past marketing performance can shape smarter, more attainable KPIs.

Utilizing Past Performance to Inform Future Marketing KPIs

Here’s how we do it: We take a deep dive into your historical data, analyzing everything from lead conversion rates to customer lifetime value. We look at the peaks and troughs of your sales cycles, customer feedback, and the performance of past marketing campaigns. This isn’t just about celebrating past wins or scrutinizing misses; it’s about identifying patterns that can predict future successes.

Turning Annual Revenue into Actionable KPIs

Take, for example, a SaaS company we worked with. Their goal was to increase annual revenue by 20%. We started by reviewing their previous year’s sales data, customer acquisition costs, and churn rates. By understanding the ratios and relationships between these figures, we could set realistic KPIs for monthly recurring revenue and customer retention, not just arbitrary growth percentages. The result? A focused and achievable roadmap for year-on-year growth that every team member could work towards.

Industry Frameworks for Setting Marketing Goals

The Rule of 3 and 2: Sustaining Exponential Growth

At StepUp, we often turn to tried-and-true frameworks to guide growth, and one such principle is the Rule of 3 and 2. It’s a strategy for sustaining exponential growth by tripling revenue for two consecutive years, followed by doubling it for the next two. Here’s how it breaks down for marketing KPIs:

  • Year 1 and 2: Set aggressive but achievable KPIs that aim to triple key metrics like qualified leads, conversion rates, and customer acquisitions. This involves ramping up marketing campaigns (which includes increasing marketing costs), refining targeting strategies, and optimizing the sales funnel.
  • Year 3 and 4: Shift focus to doubling growth by enhancing customer value, increasing retention, and expanding into new markets or product lines. The KPIs here may include upselling rates, customer lifetime value, and market penetration metrics and other key B2B marketing metrics.

This framework requires a dynamic and adaptable marketing strategy, with KPIs that are continually reassessed and realigned with the growth stages.

Customer Value Optimization

When it comes to maximizing customer value, understanding the customer journey is crucial. At StepUp, we map out every stage of this journey and align it with specific marketing KPIs. Here’s how:

  • Awareness: We measure reach and engagement, setting KPIs for impressions, click-through rates, and social media interactions.
  • Consideration: Here, the focus is on lead generation and nurturing. We track marketing qualified leads (MQLs) and the effectiveness of lead nurturing campaigns through email open rates and content engagement metrics.
  • Decision: At this stage, the KPIs are conversion-oriented. We measure the rate at which MQLs become sales qualified leads (SQLs) and ultimately customers.
  • Retention: Post-purchase, customer retention becomes key. We set KPIs around repeat purchase rates, subscription renewals, and participation in loyalty programs.
  • Advocacy: Finally, we look at customer advocacy through net promoter scores (NPS) and referral rates.

Throughout this process, customer lifetime value (CLV) stands out as a pivotal KPI. It helps us understand the total worth of a customer over the whole period of their relationship with your business. By optimizing for CLV, we ensure that marketing efforts contribute not just to one-time sales, but to the ongoing profitability and growth of your business.

Predictive Growth Analytics

Predictive growth analytics is about forecasting the future so you can prepare for it today. At StepUp, we harness this power to set marketing KPIs that aren’t just hopes—they’re informed predictions.

  • Using Predictive Analytics: We analyze historical data, market trends, and customer behavior to predict future outcomes. This involves setting KPIs for lead scoring, purchase intent, and customer engagement that anticipate future growth trajectories.
  • Balancing Goals with Predictions: It’s about setting lofty goals while keeping your feet on the ground. We balance aspiration with intel from predictive analytics, adjusting KPIs as we gain new insights and data points, ensuring that targets are always grounded in reality.

By integrating predictive analytics into our KPI setting process, we give businesses a roadmap to not just where they want to go, but where they can realistically reach.

The Lifecycle Approach to Marketing KPIs

A business doesn’t stand still, and neither should its KPIs. As your business evolves through its lifecycle, so too should the metrics you use to gauge success.

  • Startup Stage: Focus on awareness and lead generation KPIs, such as website traffic, social media engagement, and initial customer acquisition costs.
  • Growth Stage: Prioritize conversion and customer retention KPIs, including conversion rates, customer lifetime value, and churn rates.
  • Maturity Stage: Emphasize efficiency and market expansion KPIs, like cost per acquisition, market share growth, and return on investment (ROI).
  • Renewal or Decline Stage: If renewing, concentrate on innovation and new market penetration KPIs. In decline, KPIs should focus on customer re-engagement and cost optimization.

Each stage demands a different set of KPIs to reflect the changing priorities and challenges of the business.

The Role of Technology in Tracking Marketing KPIs

In today’s data-driven marketing landscape, the right technology is key to tracking and meeting your KPIs. Here’s how technology, particularly CRMs and automation tools, plays a pivotal role:

  • CRMs: Centralize customer data, track interactions, and measure sales conversions. CRMs are essential for understanding customer behavior and the effectiveness of marketing strategies.
  • Automation Tools: Streamline repetitive tasks, ensure timely follow-ups, and maintain consistent engagement. Automation tools help in tracking lead nurturing and conversion processes efficiently.

Essential Tech for Accurate KPI Measurement:

  • Web Analytics Tools: For tracking website traffic and user behavior.
  • Social Media Analytics: To measure engagement and campaign performance.
  • Email Marketing Platforms: For tracking open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.
  • Lead Scoring Software: Helps prioritize leads based on their likelihood to convert.

Leveraging these technologies provides a comprehensive view of your marketing efforts and their impact on your business goals.

Common Pitfalls in Marketing KPI Development

Developing effective KPIs is a critical part of any marketing strategy, but it’s easy to fall into some common traps. By identifying and avoiding these pitfalls, you can ensure your KPIs are truly driving your business forward.

  • Setting Vague Goals: KPIs need to be specific and measurable. Vague goals like “increase brand awareness” without clear metrics can lead to confusion and ineffective strategies.
  • Ignoring Market Trends: Not aligning KPIs with current market dynamics can render them irrelevant. It’s crucial to stay informed and adapt KPIs accordingly.
  • Overemphasis on Quantity over Quality: Focusing solely on the number of leads rather than their quality can lead to inefficient use of resources and poor conversion rates.
  • Neglecting Customer Feedback: KPIs that don’t take customer feedback into account miss out on valuable insights that could drive improvement.
  • Lack of Alignment with Business Objectives: KPIs that aren’t aligned with broader business goals can lead to misdirected efforts and missed opportunities.

By steering clear of these common errors, you can develop KPIs that are not only realistic and achievable but also integral to your business’s success.

Aligning Marketing KPIs with Business Strategy

To truly drive growth, marketing KPIs must be in lockstep with your overall business strategy. This alignment ensures that every marketing effort contributes meaningfully to the broader goals of your organization.

  • Strategies for Ensuring KPIs Support Business Objectives:
    • Conduct regular strategy alignment sessions to ensure marketing KPIs complement the overarching business goals.
    • Involve key stakeholders from various departments in setting KPIs to foster a holistic view.
    • Regularly review and adjust KPIs in response to shifts in business strategy or market conditions.
  • Integrating KPIs into Business Plans:
    • Clearly define how each marketing KPI impacts specific business objectives.
    • Use KPIs as benchmarks in business plans to track progress and guide decision-making.
    • Ensure that KPIs are communicated across the organization for transparency and collective effort towards achieving them.

By aligning marketing KPIs with your business strategy, you create a cohesive and targeted approach to growth, where every marketing move is a step towards your business’s success.

Case Studies in Effective Marketing KPI Implementation

In the world of B2B startups, effective KPI implementation can make a significant difference. Here are some real-world examples that showcase successful KPI-driven marketing campaigns:

  1. HubSpot: Creating a Category and Leveraging Community
    • Grew annual revenue from $6.6 million to $271 million in seven years.
    • Focused on creating and dominating the inbound marketing category.
    • Built a large community for marketers, contributing to brand recognition and loyalty​​.
  2. Shopify: Mastering the Funnel and Onboarding Process
    • Increased product revenues from $7.7 billion to $15.4 billion in a year.
    • Dominated top-of-funnel content, attracting vast amounts of traffic.
    • Utilized a compelling free trial offer and an effective onboarding sequence to convert visitors​​.
  3. Apollo Digital: Revamping Content Strategy for Organic Traffic
    • Boosted a client’s monthly organic traffic from zero to nearly 200,000 in two years.
    • Implemented a revamped content strategy and fresh keyword research.
    • Focused on user experience and content relevance for SEO success​​.
  4. Slack: Maximizing Referral Traffic and Landing Page Effectiveness
    • Became one of the fastest-growing SaaS platforms.
    • Focused on earning high rankings on review sites and integrating with other platforms.
    • Developed powerful landing pages with persuasive copy and social proof​​.
  5. Intercom: Leveraging SEO and Personalized Content
    • Achieved over $50 million in annual recurring revenue.
    • Used dynamic, personalized landing pages for high conversion rates.
    • Emphasized competitor analysis and semantic SEO for ranking on a variety of key phrases​​.

Each of these case studies demonstrates the importance of setting specific, data-driven KPIs and the impact they can have on a company’s marketing success and overall growth.

These real-world examples reiterate the power of well-chosen marketing KPIs. They underscore the importance for startup founders to embrace data-driven decision-making. By setting strategic KPIs, startups can drive meaningful business growth and navigate the competitive landscape more effectively.

Doing a B2B Marketing Audit: The Ultimate End-of-Year Guide

It’s November.

The buildings are strewn with holiday decorations, the snow is starting to fall, and Q4 feels like it’s flying by — meanwhile, you’re wondering how to maximize your efforts and time. Well, there’s one annual marketing habit that you may want to work into your annual Q4 routine in order to help you refine your focus, optimize your efforts, and hit the ground running on the other side of New Years, it’s your annual B2B marketing audit.

Years’ end is a crucial time to do an annual marketing audit. By assessing your marketing efforts thoroughly, you gain valuable insights into what worked and didn’t, and you can identify the weak areas in your marketing strategy. This will help you focus your resources on improving your marketing and achieving better results.

So grab your pumpkin spice latte and get cozy as we dig in to the “whys” and “hows” of getting (and interpreting) a proper marketing audit.

Why You Must do an Annual B2B Marketing Audit

A B2B marketing audit is incredibly important. It’s like a trusty compass guiding you through the endless possibilities, making sure you’re on the right path. It gives you a complete picture of your marketing activities and shows you where you can shine even brighter. This exercise lets you see how well your strategies are working, find any weak spots, and revamp your efforts for even greater success. Get ready to level up and drive those amazing results!

A B2B marketing audit is the annual “inspection” your efforts require. It props up the “car” and takes a long good look “under the hood”.  From assessing your digital presence to analyzing your messaging and brand positioning, it covers every touchpoint through which you engage with your target audience. This comprehensive evaluation provides a 360-degree view of your marketing efforts and helps you identify performance gaps across the entire customer journey.

When You Must Do a B2B Marketing Audit

There are three right answers to this question:

1. Now.

2. At the end of every year.

3. At the beginning of any new product launch or redefined goal.

4. Anytime you experience stagnant growth or a drop in results.

Why now? Well, if your asking yourself “when should I do this?” and you’ve never done one before — the answer is, do one right away. Whether you’ve been in business one year or ten, its always going to be crucial to make sure your marketing machinery is built right.

Beyond that, it’s ideal to perform periodic audits to ensure that your strategies and tactics are aligned with your evolving business goals. You may also consider conducting an audit when you’re about to make a significant investment in marketing initiatives or when you’re experiencing stagnant growth. By identifying areas of improvement, you can allocate your B2B marketing budget more effectively, resulting in maximum return on investment.

Who Should Do Your B2B Marketing Audit

When to Audit Yourself VS. When to Use a Marketing Audit Service

Deciding whether to audit yourself or use a marketing audit service depends on various factors. If you have the necessary expertise and resources within your organization, auditing yourself can be a cost-effective option. It allows you to have complete control over the process and tailor it to your specific needs. However, if you lack the expertise or time to conduct a thorough audit, outsourcing the task to a marketing audit service can be beneficial. They have specialized knowledge and experience in conducting audits, ensuring a comprehensive analysis of your marketing strategies and identifying areas for improvement. Ultimately, the decision between auditing yourself or using a marketing audit service should be based on your organization’s capabilities and requirements.

Your DIY Marketing Audit Guide

If you’ve determined that you’ve got the team, tools and time to do your own marketing budget, that’s great! Here’s a guide to each step in your marketing audit process.

To start, we recommend you set aside a specific amount of time, say two weeks, and allocate some budget to use some tools to help you. Doing a proper B2B marketing audit should not be considered a side task. If you want it done right (ie: if you want to be able to trust the conclusions) you need to invest in making sure it’s a priority for a little while.

Once you’re set up — here’s how to run your audit (complete with tool recommendations)

[Click here for a downloadable cheat sheet version of this DIY guide.]

Step 1: Audit Your Existing Marketing Strategy

Auditing your strategy is fundamentally about questioning your own (research-backed) earlier assumptions. Its a necessary pause in time to go back and check all the conclusions you came to about who you’re targeting, what their pain points are and if you’re still having the same conversation.

Some areas of your strategy to revisit are:

  • ICPs (Ideal Customer Profiles): Are your ICPs still the same business sectors? Are there other ones you can add to your list or focus on for an upcoming campaign season? Are you assessing your ICPs accurately?
  • Personas: Are your personas still who you think they are? If yes, take a look at their pains, gains and jobs to be done. Has their industry changed? Are their responsibilities different? Make sure you still understand them well.
  • Messaging: Businesses often leave holes in their messaging strategies. One common failure is the failure to address the most catalyzing pain point. Meaning: not every pain point is painful enough to cause a person to buy. You want to zero in on the ones that do. Another messaging pitfall is the over-emphasizing your features instead of the benefits.

Step 2: Audit Your Go-To-Market (GTM) Approach & Your Funnel

Your strategy is the backbone of your GTM, so it’s important that you take time to review all your conclusions and make sure they line up. Once you’ve worked through that it’s time to “check your pipes”, so to speak, or as we say “check your pipeline”.

Do you have goals?

Yes. I just asked that incredibly basic question. And I cannot tell you how often the answer to that question is, “no”.

How do you know if you have goals? Here’s a check-in on the universally beloved “SMART” criteria for determining if the outcome you’re measuring is a real goal:

S: Specific –> that is, it is one set of numbers (one metric) — not a “broad outcome”.

M: Measurable –> you must have a validated tool for counting this goal.

A: Achievable –> you need to know you can realistically reach this number within a given time.

R: Relevant –> this should be self-explanatory

T: Time-bound –> Set a start date and an end date for your campaign.

What are Your Existing Marketing Channels?

Taking stock of your marketing channels is a critical step in evaluating the effectiveness of your marketing strategy. Let’s break down each asset to ensure you’re maximizing your potential for lead generation and brand growth.

Your Website: Your First Lead Capture Tool

Think of your website as your digital storefront. It’s often the first point of contact between your company and potential clients. Ask yourself: Does it embody your brand’s essence? Is it an accurate reflection of your company’s positioning in the market? Ensure that the website’s design is not only aesthetically pleasing and follows design best practices but also communicates your value proposition clearly. The messaging should resonate deeply with your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and compel them to engage further with your brand.

Your Pillar Pages and Landing Pages: Your Conversion and Optimization Catalysts

Pillar pages and landing pages are the backbone of your website’s lead conversion process. They need to do more than just inform; they must persuade visitors to take action. Check if these pages are optimized to convert visitors into leads. This can be through effective Call-To-Actions (CTAs), easy-to-find contact forms, and strategically gated content that offers value in exchange for contact details. Each element should work in harmony to guide the visitor towards becoming a lead. There’s benefits to leveraging keyword groups on this page as well. Making sure you rank for a number of high impact relevant key terms will help you outrank your competitors.

Your Social Media and Brand Assets: The Voice of Your Brand

Your presence on social media and other brand assets must speak in unison, carrying a consistent message across all platforms. They play a pivotal role in building your marketing funnel by maintaining the ‘Rule of Seven’, which states that a prospect needs to ‘touch’ or experience your brand at least seven times before they are ready to purchase. Ensure that your content across these touchpoints is cohesive, engaging, and tailored to guide your audience through the buyer’s journey.

Your Tracking Tools: The Lens to Your Marketing Universe

The right tracking and reporting tools are indispensable. They function like a high-powered lens, giving you a clear and comprehensive view of your marketing funnel’s performance. With these tools, you can measure the success of your campaigns, understand customer behavior, and make data-driven decisions. Without these tools — you’re guessing.

Too many companies make pivotal business and investment choices around incorrect, incomplete or misinterpreted pieces of data. It is absolutely essential to build a well-structured tech stack for tracking and gathering data — and then using those tools to generate reports.

Step 3: Audit Your Content

Brand Voice Alignment: Unifying Your Brand Messaging

Examine the alignment and consistency of your messaging across all platforms. It’s like conducting an orchestra; every instrument must be in tune for a harmonious performance. Your brand’s positioning and engagement level at different stages of the funnel should sing the same tune, whether it’s the first impression or the final pitch. Consistent messaging reinforces your brand’s narrative and fosters trust with your audience.

Content Segmentation: The Strategic Distribution of Your Narrative

Segmenting your content by the stages of awareness, consideration, and decision is akin to a skilled chef preparing a multi-course meal, where each dish complements the next. Do you have a content plan that serves up the right mix of informational (awareness), evaluative (consideration), and conclusive (decision) content? This approach ensures that you’re addressing the needs and questions of your ICPs and personas at each pivotal moment of their buyer’s journey. A common weakness in marketing is an incoherent and disorganized content funnel that doesn’t answer your prospective buyer’s questions at the right times and places.

Clarity of Intent: The Beacon for Your Buyer’s Journey

It’s essential to be crystal clear about what you want your buyers to know and understand about your brand, company, and solutions. This clarity acts as a beacon, guiding them safely through their journey with your brand. By illuminating the path, you help them grasp not just the functional attributes of your offerings, but the core values and mission of your company, which can be pivotal in their decision-making process.

Step 4: In-Depth Analysis of Your Demand Capture Initiatives

Is Your Paid Media Efficient:

Scrutinize the efficiency of your paid media campaigns. Are they just a cost center, or are they profitable investments? You should be confident that your paid media efforts are not only capturing demand but also generating a positive return on investment (ROI). Regularly track performance metrics and adjust your strategies accordingly to maximize your marketing spend.

Pro Tip: Analyzing your paid media effectively involves understanding what the norms and benchmarks are for your industry. It really does require a deeper understanding of advertising strategy. It’s an area where we really recommend hiring a specialist (if you’re not already working with a paid ads team).

Planning Your Marketing Budget: Invest Wisely and Assess Well

Your budget should be correlated to your growth goals. This is to say, if you’re setting ambitious goals or aspiring for something like month-on-month growth: you better budget for month:on: monthly spending increases. While optimizing all your efforts for maximum efficiency is definitely important, it’s much more important to simply accept that marketing costs money and to be willing to allocate the necessary funds across all your channels.

Choosing Your Channels

Evaluating whether you’re using the right channels to engage with your audience is akin to choosing the right fishing spots; you need to be where the fish are biting. Each channel you use should be a strategic choice based on where your target audience spends their time and how they prefer to engage on that particular channel. Analyze your channel performance to ensure that you’re not just broadcasting messages, but also engaging in meaningful conversations with potential customers.

Pro Tip: Keep in mind that effective campaigns are not always straightforward. Sometimes you might choose to run an ad simply to warm up your potential (but super cold) audience — knowing that you’ll be remarketing them lower in the funnel. Too many people relate to paid ads as a “one-and-done” game and get frustrated when they can’t quickly connect revenue to Cost Per Click %. 

Assessing the Quality of Your Marketing Leads: The Litmus Test of Lead Generation

High-quality leads are the lifeblood of your sales pipeline, so it’s important to develop criteria that help you measure lead quality accurately. This involves looking beyond quantity and focusing on the potential of leads to convert into paying customers. Use lead scoring models and feedback from your sales team to continually refine your understanding of what makes a lead ‘sales-ready’.

How to Do Your Audit: DIY VS. Marketing Agency or Service

We hope that this walk-thru has inspired and empowered you. Now it’s time to decide how to proceed. Embarking on the pivotal task of conducting a B2B marketing audit is a significant undertaking, one that can redefine the trajectory of your marketing efforts. As you stand at this crossroads, the decision to go the DIY route or to enlist the expertise of a marketing agency is paramount.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself in order to decide what the best choice is for you:

  1. Marketing Proficiency: How would you rate your proficiency in marketing practices and analytics? Are you confident in your ability to not only gather but also interpret complex data? We see people overestimate their ability in this arena all the time — it’s really important to be honest with yourself about what you don’t know — your company depends on it.
  2. Resource Availability: Do you have the necessary tools and resources at your disposal to conduct a thorough audit? This includes both the tech tools and the right staff to deploy them — folks who possess both the skills and the time.
  3. Objective Insight: Can you and your team critically and objectively assess your current marketing strategies, acknowledging both successes and shortcomings without bias? If you or your team is so invested in certain endeavors or outcomes that you’ll argue with criticism — even if the evidence is clear — you might not be the best person to assess it.
  4. Industry Benchmarking: Do you have access to, and can you effectively use, industry benchmarks to measure your performance against your competitors? What does “good results” even mean? Well, that depends on all kinds of industry criteria, make sure you have that information at your fingertips when assessing results.
  5. Strategic Planning: Post-audit, do you have the expertise to craft a strategic plan that addresses any discovered weaknesses or gaps in your marketing?
  6. Fresh Perspective: Could your marketing strategy benefit from a fresh set of eyes? Sometimes being too close to a project can cloud judgment and hinder innovation.
  7. Comprehensive Analysis: Are you looking for not just an audit but a comprehensive analysis that includes a deep dive into market trends, competitor analysis, and customer behavior? If so — you might need an outside team with the expertise to take you there.
  8. Budget Considerations: Finally, consider your budget. While a professional agency can be a significant investment, it’s also important to weigh the cost of potentially overlooked opportunities or continued inefficiencies if the audit is not conducted thoroughly.

Your responses reveal much about your current capacity and needs. If you find that you’re leaning towards uncertainty or acknowledging gaps in your capabilities, it may be time to consider the value an external agency. Conversely, if you’re confident in your internal resources and expertise, a DIY approach could be a cost-effective and empowering move. Whichever path you choose, let it be one that leads to growth and clarity!

Download Your Free Marketing Audit Checklist

To make the process of conducting a marketing audit more streamlined, consider utilizing a free marketing audit report template. We hope this guide has helped you to develop a sense of what you need to do and that you’ll bookmark it and use it every quarter.

You can also click here to download a handy quick reference checklist. 

Hire Us to Do Your Marketing Audit

A b2b marketing audit will help you whether you’re looking to increase lead generation, refine your brand messaging, or allocate your B2B marketing budget more effectively. At StepUp we do powerful, informed audits for all our clients — and then deliver Go-To-Market Execution Strategies that drive leads and produce results. Reach out now to learn more!

Achieving Quick Wins in Q4: Crisis-Resilient Strategies for Early-Stage Startups

Crisis times, such as geopolitical conflicts, can profoundly disrupt business operations. For early-stage startups aiming to meet Q4 targets, the challenges are even more pronounced. In this blog post, we offer actionable recommendations for startup founders and CEOs who are looking to pivot effectively and capture quick wins in a difficult environment.

The Imperative to Adapt and Maintain Momentum

Adaptability isn’t just a business buzzword; it’s a survival trait, especially during crises. When resources are limited and pressure mounts to meet quarterly goals, the importance of agility can’t be overstated.

Core Strategies for Immediate Impact

1. Reassess Your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Traditional KPIs may not hold up in extraordinary times. Instead of focusing solely on long-term goals, establish new, short-term KPIs that can yield quick wins. This realignment makes your team more responsive to the ever-changing landscape.

2. Leverage Existing Customer Relationships

New customer acquisition can be slow and expensive. In contrast, existing customers already believe in your product or service. Look for opportunities to upsell or cross-sell, providing additional value that your customers will appreciate, especially in challenging times.

3. Time-Limited Promotions

Time-sensitive promotions can generate a quick uptick in sales by creating a sense of urgency. This can be particularly effective when consumers are hesitant to spend. Even a modest promotion can spark interest and drive short-term revenue gains.

4. Engage in Virtual Networking

With in-person meetings and events largely off the table, virtual networking has never been more crucial. Utilize LinkedIn and other professional social media platforms to make targeted connections. A single virtual meeting can open doors to immediate opportunities that align with your revised KPIs.

5. Optimize for Mobile

As more people browse and shop using mobile devices, a mobile-optimized website isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a necessity. Simple changes, such as improving load times and simplifying navigation, can result in immediate improvements in conversion rates.

6. Streamline Communication Channels

Miscommunication can be costly. Utilize efficient project management and communication tools to ensure that everyone is aligned. This organizational clarity can accelerate decision-making and project execution, leading to quick wins.

7. Cut Non-Essential Costs

Review your expenditure to identify areas where you can minimize costs without hampering productivity. Reallocating resources to critical aspects of the business can help you achieve quick financial gains.

8. Repurpose Existing Content

Creating new marketing content can be time-consuming. Consider repurposing existing assets, like turning blog posts into social media snippets or webinars, to maintain your brand visibility with less effort.

9. Maximize Social Proof

Reviews and testimonials can go a long way in building credibility quickly. Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews, and prominently display these on your website and marketing materials.

10. Quick Market Surveys

Conduct rapid market surveys to understand current customer pain points. This information can guide you in tailoring offers that meet immediate needs, potentially driving quick sales.

In a crisis-stricken landscape where achieving Q4 targets seems like a formidable challenge, focusing on quick wins is not just smart—it’s essential. By reassessing KPIs, leveraging existing relationships, and implementing time-sensitive strategies, you can navigate your startup effectively through these tough times. The road ahead may be uncertain, but with adaptability and focused action, you can still close the quarter strong.

Q4 Game Changers: How to Create Bottom-of-the-Funnel Content That Converts for B2B Startups

As the year’s end approaches, founders and CEOs of early-stage B2B startups feel the pressure of Q4 more than anyone else. Achieving those last-minute KPIs becomes a sprint, not a marathon. While top-of-the-funnel content has its place, if you’re looking for quick wins to close out the year strong, you need to focus on the bottom of the funnel. This blog post will guide you through practical, high-impact types of content that will appeal to decision-makers on the cusp of saying “yes.”

Understanding the Bottom of the Funnel

BoFu, or “bottom-of-the-funnel,” refers to the stage where your potential customer is most engaged and closest to making a purchase decision. They’ve done their research, they know their problem, and they’re actively seeking a solution. The only thing left is to push them gently over the line. BoFu content aims to do just that: convert a highly interested prospect into a customer, often with remarkable speed.

When it comes to tailoring your bottom-of-the-funnel content, a one-size-fits-all approach won’t cut it. You need to dig deeper into your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) to understand what specific issues they face at the decision point. Are they concerned about implementation timelines because they’re racing to meet year-end goals? Are they weighing the ease of integration with their existing tech stack? Or perhaps they’re seeking validation through social proof like customer testimonials or third-party reviews. Each of these concerns requires a different type of BoFu content, whether it’s a detailed implementation guide, an API documentation review, or a showcase of glowing customer testimonials.

The decision point in the buyer’s journey is where the rubber meets the road. Here, your potential customer is not just looking for a solution; they’re looking for the best-fit solution that will meet their unique needs with the least friction. By thoroughly understanding your ICP’s specific apprehensions and questions at this critical stage, you can craft BoFu content that doesn’t just persuade, but also alleviates concerns, thereby smoothing the path to conversion.

Types of Bottom of the Funnel Content for Quick Wins

Case Studies

There’s no better way to show you can deliver on your promises than by actually, well, delivering. Case studies are your best friend in this endeavor. Take, for example, a B2B SaaS company that offers an AI-powered customer service platform. A compelling case study could showcase how the platform helped a client reduce customer service wait times by 50% while increasing customer satisfaction rates by 20%. Use screenshots of the dashboard displaying these KPI improvements, and include testimonials from the client applauding the ease of implementation and the tangible ROI.

Or consider a cybersecurity startup that helped a financial institution strengthen its firewall and security protocols. The case study could delve into how, within three months of implementing the solution, the financial institution thwarted 1,000+ potential security breaches and reduced internal fraud incidents by 30%. Metrics like these quantify your impact in terms your prospective clients can easily understand and appreciate.

Product Demos

Demos offer a concrete, tangible view of what life would be like with your solution. Use product demos to walk your prospective client through key features, illustrating how they directly address their pain points. For example, if you offer a project management software, tailor the demo to showcase how your tool can streamline communication for remote teams, if that’s a known challenge for your prospect. If feasible, go a step further and customize the demo based on the prospect’s specific needs or industry. In a customized demo, you can simulate actual workflows or use case scenarios that your prospective client might encounter, adding another layer of personalization and relevance. A well-executed, customized demo not only serves as a proof of concept but can also act as a tipping point in the decision-making process, converting a hesitant prospect into a confident buyer.

Comparison Charts

At this stage, it’s likely that your prospective customer is also considering your competitors. Create comparison charts that make it easy to see why your solution is the best choice. For example, if you’re in the cloud storage business, a side-by-side chart could compare data encryption methods, upload speed, and customer support response times between your solution and competitors. Focus on the criteria most important to your potential customers: cost, feature set, customer service, etc. It’s also worth incorporating customer reviews into these comparisons. Reviews provide social proof and can be especially compelling when they directly address some of the comparison points. Don’t just rely on what you’re saying about your product; show prospects that real users share these sentiments. A compelling comparison chart bolstered by authentic customer reviews can be a powerful tool to tip the scales in your favor during the decision-making phase.

ROI Calculators

Decision-makers love numbers; they need to know the investment is worthwhile. ROI calculators can provide this assurance by quantifying the benefits of your product or service. For example, if you offer a cloud-based inventory management system, your ROI calculator could show how much a prospective client could save on storage costs, labor, and spoilage over a year. The key is to base these calculations on metrics that are most relevant to your target audience, like cost savings, time saved, or revenue generated. Make this tool easily accessible on your website, perhaps as an interactive feature on your product page. User-friendliness is crucial here; a complex or confusing ROI calculator will do more harm than good. A well-designed, easy-to-use calculator not only substantiates your claims but also enhances the overall user experience, adding another layer of persuasion at the decision phase.

“How-to” Guides for Implementation

Ease of implementation is often an overlooked concern but can be a decisive factor in nudging a potential client to a “yes.” If the prospect fears that integrating your solution will be time-consuming or disruptive, they may opt for a competitor’s product even if it’s inferior. Providing clear, step-by-step “How-to” guides can demystify this process and reassure your audience.

Tailoring Bottom of the Funnel Content for the Season

The fourth quarter comes with its own set of unique challenges and opportunities. While the holiday season may mean that key decision-makers are out of the office, it’s also the time when budgets for the next year are being finalized. Leverage this by aligning your BoFu content with the unique characteristics of Q4. For instance, you could offer a limited-time Q4 discount on annual subscriptions, incentivizing those with leftover budgets to make a commitment before year-end. Add elements of urgency, such as countdown clocks or phrases like “limited slots available,” to instill a sense of immediate action. Time-sensitive offers like these not only compel action but also provide a tangible reason for decision-makers to expedite their purchasing process. By tailoring your content and offers to the specific dynamics of the fourth quarter, you can capture the attention of those looking to make last-minute budgetary decisions.

Don’t Forget Your Call to Action

You’ve given them all the information they need; now it’s time to push them to act. Your CTA should be strong, clear, and compelling. Whether it’s scheduling a final consultation call or offering a limited-time discount, make it irresistible.

As you navigate the crucial days of Q4, shifting your focus to bottom-of-the-funnel content could be your game-changer. From case studies to ROI calculators, this specialized content targets decision-makers ready to take action. Don’t miss the opportunity for quick wins to hit those year-end KPIs.

How to Nail 2023 Q4 Marketing Planning by Identifying Your Strongest ICP

In the high-stakes game of year-end marketing, the pressure’s palpable. We get it. The clock’s ticking, and those elusive Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are still looming – unfulfilled – on the horizon.

Feeling the heat?

Relax, you’re not alone. Picture this blog as that reassuring colleague patting you on the back, saying, “You’ve got this.”

As we move into the final quarter it’s all about quick wins, and to achieve your quick wins you’ve got to start by honing in on your “lowest hanging fruit” — that is, the ICP that is most likely to buy.

Read on to learn why and how to find your strongest ICP. As a bonus, we’ve included a downloadable checklist so you can get started refining your IPC right away.

[Click here for the downloadable checklist.]

Why Identifying the Strongest Ideal Customer Profile Matters in Q4

In the sprint towards year-end goals, precision is your ally. Zooming in on your most promising ICP can be a game-changer:

  • Resource Efficiency: In Q4, resources need to be allocated with laser precision. Targeting the strongest ICP ensures you utilize your marketing budget effectively.

Example: Consider a SaaS startup providing project management solutions. By focusing on ICPs from industries with complex project needs (e.g., IT services, consulting), they allocated their ad spend more effectively, leading to a 25% higher conversion rate.

  • Tailored Strategies: As the year concludes, tailored strategies are imperative. A strong ICP allows you to craft messaging and campaigns that resonate profoundly.

Example: Imagine a marketing agency focusing on ICPs seeking personalized digital strategies. By tailoring marketing collateral and outreach to emphasize personalization, they observed a 30% increase in engagement and inquiries.


How to Identify the Strongest ICP for Your Q4 Goals

To pinpoint your strongest Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and pave the way for a successful Q4, you need an informed approach. Understanding who your ideal perfect customers are involves comprehensive research and analysis. Here’s a helpful roadmap to guide you in this vital exploration: (If you’ve never done ICP research for your B2B, take a moment to jump into our article on the topic: “Creating an Ideal Customer Profile that Works: A Guide for B2Bs”).

Researching the Right Customers:

  1. Customer Surveys and Interviews:
    • Conduct structured surveys or interviews with your current customers to understand their needs, pain points, and what led them to choose your product or service.
  2. Competitor Analysis:
    • Analyze the customer base of your competitors (i.e.: your potential customers) within your industry to identify patterns and preferences.
  3. Website Analytics:
    • Utilize your website analytics to study your visitor behavior on site (for example, what pages are visited most often, what pages they visit prior to submitting a “contact us” form and becoming a quality lead, etc.),. Also explore your sources of web traffic, and which segments of the audience are most engaged when on your site.
  4. Social Media Insights:
    • Leverage social media analytics to gather insights into the demographics, interests, and interactions of the portions of your audience you identify as high-quality leads. List everything you can find that might be relevant.
  5. Sales Data Analysis:
    • Analyze your sales data to identify trends and characteristics of customers who have made purchases, including the industries they represent, purchase frequency, and typical purchase value.
  6. Customer Support Feedback:
    • Review feedback and queries received by your customer support team to understand common concerns and issues faced by customers. Your most valuable customers can tell you a lot about your target market and your ideal customer — learn from them via your customer success team, and even consider conducting in-depth customer interviews to gain more insight.
  7. Industry Reports and Publications:
    • Explore industry-specific reports and publications to understand the evolving needs and challenges within your target industries so that you can refine your content and even increase your customer lifecycle.

Stakeholders to Research:

  • End Users: Understand the individuals who directly use your product or service and their pain points. While they may not be your potential buyer, their happiness matters to their procurement team, and they’ll be your product’s greatest evangelist — as well as the stakeholder likely to be the most informed about the market.
  • Decision Makers: Identify those who have the authority to make purchasing decisions within organizations. This is a key ICP to develop a buyer persona profile for. Develop an understanding of how they make their purchasing decisions — and what factors they must consider.
  • Influencers: Determine individuals or groups that influence purchasing decisions or shape opinions in your industry. This could be someone within your target market’s companies or it could be an industry leader, trendsetter, or “public voice”.
  • Industry Experts: Research professionals with deep insights into your industry, as their perspectives, can provide valuable guidance.

By employing these research methods and thoroughly examining various stakeholders, you’ll gain invaluable insights to tailor your marketing strategies and hone in on your strongest ICP for a successful Q4.


Maximizing Your Highly Tailored ICPs: Strategies for Marketing Success in Q4

Once you’ve identified your strongest Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs), it’s time to supercharge your Q4 marketing strategy. Tailoring your approach to these high-potential segments can be a game-changer. Here’s how to optimize your efforts and achieve a streamlined approach from start to finish.

1. Efficient Budget Allocation:

To maximize the impact of your Q4 marketing, allocate your budget wisely. Campaigns always take time and money — so organize wisely and cultivate the patience to wait for things to work.

Consider the following distribution for optimal results:

  • ? Awareness (20%): Capture the attention of potential decision makers, but keep the focus sharp. They are in the periphery, getting ready to make choices. While awareness is a crucial stage of the funnel — it’s not where we recommend you invest in Q4 — this season is about converting those that are most likely to buy not focusing on those who haven’t heard of you yet.
  • ? Consideration (30%): Engage with decision-makers more intensively. They are in the evaluation stage, considering your offerings. These highly likely future customers would appreciate tailored content that showcases your value against your competitors and explains why choosing you is the right choice. Put some effort into inbound marketing here, just to keep the funnel flowing.
  • ? Decision (50%): Channel a significant portion here. This is where you’ll find your prospective customers — and it’s where your marketing team (and eventually your sales team) should put their primary energy (and budget). Decision makers are prepared to buy; your strategies should seal the deal effectively and efficiently.

In the final stretch, it’s all about focusing your resources where it truly matters. The decision-makers are the sprinters, ready to take that final leap into a purchase.

2. Tailored Marketing Strategies:

Now is not the time for batching full-funnel content or launching complicated campaigns. Bring sharp focus to your marketing efforts — and make sure they speak directly to those potential buyers who are the most primed for your product.

  • Personalized Messaging: Craft messaging that directly addresses the pain points, needs, and aspirations of your ICP at each stage of their buyer’s journey, with extra weight on the “Decision” stage.
  • Account-Based Marketing (ABM): Implement ABM strategies to target high-value accounts within your ICP, customizing campaigns and interactions for a more personalized experience. Reaching out to where they are with valuable offers during this busy season can often prove very fruitful.
  • Content Segmentation and Customization: Tailor your content for different segments of your ICP, ensuring that each piece addresses specific concerns and interests.

3. Building a Marketing Machine:

  • Automation and Marketing Technology: Leverage marketing automation tools to streamline and personalize communication with your ICP at scale, ensuring no leads fall through the cracks. (Spoiler: it’s never too late to build a MarTech stack!)
  • Lead Nurturing Sequences: Develop automated lead nurturing sequences that guide your ICP through their buyer’s journey, providing relevant content and touchpoints.
  • Sales and Marketing Alignment: Align your sales and marketing teams to ensure a seamless transition from marketing efforts to sales interactions, enhancing the customer experience.

Creating a marketing machine that resonates with your ICPs throughout their journey, from awareness to decision, significantly shortens the distance from lead to a closed won. An aligned strategy ensures that every touchpoint speaks directly to their needs, accelerating the conversion process.

In the fast-paced realm of Q4 marketing, precision is paramount. Tailoring your strategies to your strongest Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs) can be your North Star. By allocating your budget efficiently, crafting tailored marketing strategies, and building a marketing machine that speaks directly to your ICPs, you’re setting the stage for a highly successful Q4. Let’s make this quarter count.

Ready to break all this down and get into action? Click here to download your Q4 ICP Refinement Action Checklist now!

Close Out 2023 Strong: The Essential Guide to Quick Wins for Early-Stage B2Bs

As we approach the last quarter of 2023, we recognize the unique challenges that early-stage B2B companies face, especially when it comes to hitting those ever-elusive KPIs. Whether you’re a founder or a CMO, your plate is already overflowing with tasks ranging from product development to employee management.

And then, there’s the elephant in the room: meeting year-end sales and marketing goals. With this blog, we aim to provide you with a concrete, action-oriented plan that focuses on quick wins, so you can finish 2023 stronger than ever. Because if there’s one thing we know, it’s that every second counts when you’re racing against the year-end clock.

1️⃣ Sharpen Your Targeting—Focus on the Ready-to-Buy

Why It’s Crucial

Missing the mark in targeting is just flushing your budget down the drain. The tighter your focus, the higher the ROI. Focus on the folks in your funnel already in “decision mode”.

How to Do It

  • Re-Engage Open Leads: For example, if you’re in the business of SaaS for healthcare, it’s likely you have pending conversations with administrators or healthcare providers. Reach out to them and mention the new feature that directly caters to a problem they had expressed earlier.

? Pro Tip: Use a CRM to automate follow-ups and track engagement. Make sure the message is personalized. (Here’s HubSpot’s advice on how to do that in their CRM).

  • Spot the Hyper-Engaged: Take note of the people who are engaging with your LinkedIn posts, Twitter updates, or regular newsletters.

? Pro Tip: Use LinkedIn analytics to track engagement and use Direct Messages to reach out with a soft sell.

Real-Life Example

A SaaS provider of ours in the logistics sector revisited their pending leads with a focused message around Q4 budget spend, capturing a 20% increase in close rate within a month.


2️⃣ Skip the Fluff—Drive Sales Intent, Not Just Brand Love

Why It’s Crucial

With limited time and resources, you can’t afford to focus on activities that don’t convert. Save brand awareness investment for next year.

How to Do It

  • Host Decision-Driving Webinars: For instance, if you sell recruitment software, a webinar titled “How to Streamline Your Hiring Before Year-End” can attract HR managers desperate to close positions before 2024.

? Pro Tip: Use the webinar to showcase your software in action, addressing problems in real time. (Here’s our guide on building successful webinars).

  • Deliver Conversion-Oriented Content: Content pieces like ‘7 Reasons Why Our Software Beats Competitors’ are straightforward but incredibly effective.

? Pro Tip: Use A/B testing to fine-tune your CTAs and increase conversion rates.

Real-Life Example

A cloud-based inventory management service we advised switched from general topics in their webinars to specifics like ‘Managing Holiday Inventory Efficiently’ in Q4. They reported a 30% hike in trials and a 15% increase in conversions.


3️⃣ Upgrade Your Conversion Playbook—Incentivize, Incentivize, Incentivize

Why It’s Crucial

Q4 is when budgets get spent. Your prospects are looking to make purchasing decisions; make it easier for them.

How to Do It

  • Roll Out Exclusive Bundles: Package your core product with add-ons at a reduced price.

? Pro Tip: Highlight the savings they get from the bundled pricing prominently in your marketing material.

  • Unlock Early Access: For example, if you plan to launch a new analytics dashboard in Q1 2024, give your Q4 customers early access to it.

? Pro Tip: Use this as an upsell opportunity to move them onto annual contracts.

  • Boost Referrals: Offer a free month of service for every successful referral.

? Pro Tip: Use automated emails to remind your customer base of the referral program.

Real-Life Example

We worked with an e-learning platform that offered course bundles along with a free consultation session as a Q4 special. The result? A 40% uptick in course sign-ups and a new revenue line from consultation services.


Takeaway: Your Time Is Now + Quick Win Plan Template

Navigating the turbulent waters of Q4 doesn’t have to be a Herculean task. A focused, pragmatic approach can make all the difference, helping you secure those quick wins and ease into 2024 with momentum on your side.

Simply make sure that:

✅ You’re speaking to the hottest audience (hot leads, that is).

✅ Offering decision-making content geared toward their stage in the buyer’s journey and their pain points. (Read this for more insights).

✅ Incentivizing them to buy now!


You’ve got this!


Quick Win Plan Template

Area of Focus Action Items Tips & Best Practices
  • List pending leads to re-engage them
  • Identify the top 5 most-engaged prospects from social media
  • Use a CRM to automate follow-ups and track engagement
  • Utilize LinkedIn analytics to find engaged prospects
Content & Events
  • Schedule at least 1 decision-driving webinar
  • Develop 2 bottom-of-the-funnel content pieces
  • Showcase your product during the webinar, addressing real problems
  • A/B test your CTAs in content pieces for better conversion rates
Offers & Incentives
  • Develop a Q4-exclusive bundle
  • Design a referral program with incentives for both parties
  • Highlight the savings in bundled pricing prominently
  • Automate emails to remind your customer base of the referral program

B2B Marketing Budgets: A Step-By-Step Guide to Spending Smart on Your Early-Stage Marketing

If you haven’t built your foundational marketing machine — you haven’t built anything.

This is a message we — at StepUp — spend a lot of time trying to communicate to our audience and our clients.

We know you’re hungry for leads, and we know you’ve picked up a variety of pretty solid instincts about how to convert your leads into sales. But building a pipeline — a marketing machine that consistently refreshes your leads pool with new qualified leads takes significant strategic know-how and a solid investment of time and money.

So, what’s the right way to spend, and craft your annual marketing budget, when you’re cash-strapped, time-crunched, and aching for new customers? We’ve broken it down for you into the five steps below — with some wisdom on how to structure your marketing dollars thrown into the mix.

Spoiler: We’re going to keep on recommending that you hire experts to do your initial go-to-market strategy (you know, like us).

In a world that’s become besieged by AI-fueled quick fixes (not that we don’t love AI), and performance marketing hijinx it has never been more vital to do ?? the ?? work ?? to craft a solid, well-researched, message and marketing plan.

We’re honored to work with some wonderful clients who’ve taken this important message to heart (and a few who wish they had done so several years earlier), and we’ve learned a lot about how to get your early-stage B2B company off the ground and running. Read on to learn!

Step 1: Set Clear Big Picture Goals (Spoiler: Your Goal is Always Leads)

This might be stating the obvious, but all of your marketing efforts should be designed to attract qualified prospects who are interested in your product or service.

But far too many businesses skip the MQL (marketing qualified leads) phase of business development growth, neglecting to build a pipeline of warm and open prospects and focusing instead on cold outreach via their sales team.

Not Just Any Leads: Marketing Qualified Leads

Setting clear goals around acquiring MQLs orients you toward building your pipeline — and gets you thinking about data-driving metrics such as lead acquisition cost, conversion rates, and return on investment of pipeline inbound marketing content — this will help you assess the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and make necessary adjustments along the way.

When setting your lead generation goals, it is important to consider various factors that may impact the success of your marketing campaigns. These factors include your target audience, industry trends, competitive landscape, and available resources. By taking these factors into account, you can set realistic and achievable goals that will drive your business forward.

Just as not all leads are the same, not all marketing activities and tactics are equal, and some may be more effective in generating leads than others. By understanding your goals, you can allocate your budget and resources to the strategies that have the highest potential for success (this is called “optimization”).

MQL Goal Clarity is Motivating for Your Marketing Team

Additionally, setting clear goals provides a sense of direction and purpose for your marketing team. When everyone is aligned on the overarching objective of lead generation, it becomes easier to collaborate and work towards a common goal. This alignment fosters a cohesive and focused marketing strategy, resulting in more impactful campaigns. As obvious as this sounds on paper, for the most budget-stressed team in most businesses — goal alignment is crucial to manifesting aligned creative energy and helping team members feel invested in being a part of the solution. Don’t overlook it.

Moreover, having measurable goals allows you to celebrate successes and identify areas for improvement. When you achieve your lead generation targets, it serves as a validation of your marketing efforts and motivates your team to continue their hard work. On the other hand, if you fall short of your goals, it provides an opportunity to analyze what went wrong and implement changes to enhance your future performance.

Step 2: Consider all Your Potential Marketing Costs

Like a parent at a grocery store with their kids — our inclination when budget setting is to figure out how to “take stuff out of the cart”.

Penny-pinching is understandable but I urge you to set your red pen aside and dream big when drafting this spreadsheet.

Early-stage B2Bs usually have big goals (“I’d like to eventually dominate the North American market!” is a sentence I hear more often than you realize). And big marketing goals are great! But they require big marketing visions — and the courage to execute. That doesn’t mean you’ve got to do it all today — or even this year — but a realistic snapshot of what efforts you might undertake, and what they’re really going to cost is essential.

Prepare for Paid Advertising

As B2B marketers, we want our message to reach the right audience, and that means allocating toward paid advertising spending. Whether it’s on Google, social media platforms, or wherever our target audience may be, we want to be there with our brand. After all, what good is a killer marketing strategy if it’s not reaching potential customers? So, when it comes to setting our marketing budget, we need to make sure we’ve got some allocated for digital advertising. That’s where the magic happens. By strategically placing our ads on the right advertising channels and boosting visibility, we can directly reach our target audience to generate brand awareness and ultimately qualified leads.

Bottom Line –> Have a digital marketing budget that includes enough money for a comprehensive digital spend: on PPC, LinkedIn paid Ads, Google Display, and wherever your audience lives online.  

Invest in Content, Content Management Tools (and a Martech Stack)

Content Marketing (this includes social media marketing) is the backbone of any marketing strategy, it plays a vital role in attracting and engaging potential customers around their pains gains, and wants. But these days, content is more than a killer 2000-word blog (like this one), it’s about keyword optimization, SERP scores, and integration.

Your content tools should include talented writers and content creators, but they’ll also need to make room for your tech stack — from SEO optimization and Google Analytics tools to AI batch generators to distribution management software (ie: HubSpot) — the content marketing world is its own ecosystem and gone are the days when you can neglect those vital aspects of your content marketing strategy.

Bottom Line — budget for creating great content — and the tools you’ll need to make sure people see it. 

Event Marketing Works, Put it in Your Company Budget

Event marketing is crucial for boosting brand visibility, and incorporating it into your budget is a must-do. Whether it’s through digital or in-person industry events that you attend (or host!), this powerful marketing strategy offers opportunities to connect with potential customers, showcase your products or services, and establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

Bottom Line — From digital webinars to industry booths, budget for participation and marketing to show up as a thought leader in the right spaces.

A Budget Line for Salaries, External Hires, and Marketing Agencies

This topic deserves its own whole blog (or book). But suffice it to say that talent costs and talent matters. Make sure you’ve got your ad spend separate from your salary and contract spend — hiring the right people — the people who know how to do what you need to be done (and no, you cannot “wing it” on SEO anymore so cut that out), is simply a must.

Step 3: Hire an Early-Stage Expert to Build Your Go-To-Market Machine (yes, we’re talking about us)

Speaking of a budget for hires and agencies: Step 3 in building an effective B2B marketing budget is in planning — intentionally — to hire GTM experts to build your marketing machine (ideally BEFORE you begin investing in tactics and channel marketing).

As impressive, capable, and vital as your in-house marketing leader hire (CMO, marketing manager, etc.) is — creating a GTM strategy and building a solid marketing machine pipeline is its own specific skill set. We highly recommend that you plan and budget for this investment out of the gate (and our business is made of supporting companies who need this — we’re really speaking from experience here).

So what exactly IS a Go-To-Market Strategy / Machine?

In short, a GTM Machine is a framework (or pipeline) that is designed to generate demand from your ideal target market. It’s a strategy for who you’re going to talk to and how you’re going to talk to them that is based on a deep understanding of your services and products as well as a deep understanding of the market you’re targeting.

As a business owner, partnering with early-stage marketing experts (who specialize in B2B) to craft this crucial strategy will save you heaps of time, money, and frustration.

  • It is the process that every business needs in order to operate from the knowledge of their marketing.
  • It is the opposite of (and anecdote to) guesswork and blind experimentation.
  • It is the answer to the question ” what’s your plan for business growth?”
  • It’s the work/strategy that comes before your sales team picks up the phone or sends an email;
  • and more importantly than any of this: it is the foundation upon which will rest all of your effective marketing efforts for years to come.

Here’s What to Expect from Your GTM Machine Architects

  1. A deep understanding of you, your business, and your products and services.
  2. A comprehensive analysis of all your competitors, their messages, and their offerings.
  3. Elaborate persona profiles of your Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs) that clearly identify their goals, the challenges they face, the solutions they crave, and how you solve their problems.
  4. Powerful Value Proposition Messaging that marries your product or service with their most painful needs.
  5. A content strategy that outlines for you the types of content you should be creating so that your ENTIRE funnel is full of awareness, consideration and decision-making messages that compel your potential customers to click on you.
  6. An execution strategy that tells you where you want to be and how to distribute and deliver your marketing in optimized and effective ways.
  7. Expert guidance on the right Martech Stack tools to maintain and grow your company. (To go down the rabbit hole of this key topic that often creates budget friction, read this blog, or to check out growth in this marketing department sector based on CMO surveys, read here).

I could go on. A well-executed GTM is not something you can get around, and something you’ll feel the lack of if you don’t invest. Hire these experts — and let them guide your early-stage business down the right path toward growth.

Step 4: Hire Your In-House Marketer and Build Your Team

I know that you know the value of hiring an in-house marketer (or maybe, dear reader, you ARE the in-house marketer — looking to understand your budget and structure needs better).

Whoever you are — our advice for hiring an in-house expert is this:

No marketer is (or should be) a jack of all trades. Find a marketer whose strengths play to your needs. You can hire based on skill set, but hiring based on industry expertise is just as valuable an approach. Whatever you do, understand that you’re hiring a partner; and a good rule of thumb is to invest in wisdom, and be willing to bring in full- or part-time support for them so that they can execute the vision you (and your GTM experts) have crafted.

Step 5: Optimize Your Marketing Pipeline Every Six Months

Okay! Whew! We’re done outlining where you should invest your money.

You’ve got your marketing budget lines clear and a plan you’re ready to implement.

Just remember to put a little cash aside for some strategy refreshes twice per year.

Why? The market changes.

Audience behavior changes, keyword costs change, digital advertising changes.

Bring in your GTM experts to do a check-in once in a while to make sure that you’re course correcting along the way (and to avoid waking up one day and realizing that your target market just isn’t where you are anymore).

Regularly analyze your marketing metrics to determine which marketing channels are generating the most leads and conversions. Consider A/B testing different ad creatives, landing pages, and email campaigns to optimize your conversion rates. Adapt your messaging and tactics based on customer feedback and market trends.

The digital landscape is dynamic, and consumer behavior is constantly evolving. Regularly reviewing your marketing efforts enables you to identify what’s working and what’s not, allowing you to make informed decisions regarding resource allocation.

Remember that B2B marketing budgets are not set in stone. They should be agile and adaptable to accommodate changes in your industry, market conditions, and customer preferences.

By following these steps and staying committed to continuous improvement, you can build a marketing budget that maximizes your investment and drives sustainable growth for your early-stage B2B marketing department. So, set your marketing goals, evaluate your costs, seek expert guidance, build your team, and optimize your pipeline.

With these strategies in place, your B2B marketing budget will be a powerful tool for propelling your business forward.

For more nitty-gritty marketing budget advice, check out HubSpot’s blog on the topic (we’re proud to be HubSpot partners and love their resources on these topics).